  1. Big O Notation 101: The Secret to Writing Efficient Algorithms

    From simple array operations to complex sorting algorithms, understanding the Big O Notation is critical for building high-performance software solutions.

    1 - O(1) This is the constant time notation. The runtime remains steady regardless of input size. For example, accessing an element in an array by index and inserting/deleting an element in a hash table.

    2 - O(n) Linear time notation. The runtime grows in direct proportion to the input size. For example, finding the max or min element in an unsorted array.

    3 - O(log n) Logarithmic time notation. The runtime increases slowly as the input grows. For example, a binary search on a sorted array and operations on balanced binary search trees.

    4 - O(n^2) Quadratic time notation. The runtime grows exponentially with input size. For example, simple sorting algorithms like bubble sort, insertion sort, and selection sort.

    5 - O(n^3) Cubic time notation. The runtime escalates rapidly as the input size increases. For example, multiplying two dense matrices using the naive algorithm.

    6 - O(n logn) Linearithmic time notation. This is a blend of linear and logarithmic growth. For example, efficient sorting algorithms like merge sort, quick sort, and heap sort

    7 - O(2^n) Exponential time notation. The runtime doubles with each new input element. For example, recursive algorithms solve problems by dividing them into multiple subproblems.

    8 - O(n!) Factorial time notation. Runtime skyrockets with input size. For example, permutation-generation problems.

    9 - O(sqrt(n)) Square root time notation. Runtime increases relative to the input’s square root. For example, searching within a range such as the Sieve of Eratosthenes for finding all primes up to n.
